Final Film Finished!

 It is finally finished my dudes

May revisit this in the future, but for now im gonna reward myself w iced cream and get some rest

Probably won't update this blog again tho. BUT i'll still be active on the internet in other places, so [here's a link to my everything] 👍

see you on the flipside ✌️

Edit 12/8/22: Forgot to add the crowd noise the first time I uploaded, so it's fixed now. whoops

Edit 10/25/23: wow! remembered this existed just to update that I no longer have a linktree bc I have a Carrd now!

If sometime in the future my carrd 404s too, I'm @DareSayhber on everything now. Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc

(i'm aware el*n changed the name but if he's gonna deadname trans people then i'm gonna deadname his website. trans rights.)
